Ognyena Maria London Ontario, Circle of Serbian Sisters London Ontario, Serbian Church

Ognyena Maria

Circle of Serbian Sisters

The Circle of Serbian Sisters "Ognyena Maria" was founded in 1972.

Ognyena Maria, Circle of Serbian Sisters London Ontario

The sisters accepted the duties with enthusiasm and fulfilled them with pleasure and pride.

Starting out like any other wasn't easy. Without a permanent priest or any rules, the sisters always managed to agree on a plan and program of activities and programs. Thanks to great help, advice and the handed over rulebook of the Circle of Serbian Sisters from Windsor, women from London have formed the Circle of Serbian Sisters "Ognyena Maria."

In the 1970s, very few people still knew about the existence of Serbian community. Thanks to Mrs. Peggy Walden from the Ministry of Education, in a short time the word spread to the valuable Serbian people living among the citizens of London.

The aim and purpose of the Circle of Serbian Sisters are to serve the needs of the Serbian Orthodox Church, to preserve folk customs, tradition and culture, to help newcomers adapt to their new communities, and to support young generations in preserving the history of ancestors.

The Circle of Serbian Sisters organizes raising money through donations, organizing fashion shows, selling Serbian Chef or Serbian culinary specialties to the public.

Biserka Knežić, as the first president, and the ladies from the Andrić, Basara, Đukić, Divić, Ivanišević, Ivanović, Jovanović, Knežić, Lalić, Pašić, Peleš, Popović, Spasić, Žarković... Over time, many other ladies have joined our organization, who have kept the Serbian community vital and dynamic with their selfless work and talent.

The Circle of Serbian Sisters continues to follow tradition and activities and mutual harmony, respect and love for their community and Church.