Students Visit Holy Tranfiguration


On Sunday the 26th of May, students from our Serbian School organized a one-day trip to our only Serbian Monastery in Canada-The Holy Transfiguration of the Lord.

After the Holy Liturgy we left our estate and arrived at the monastery estate around 2 pm.

In the name of his Holiness Bishop Mitrofan, father Angelarije welcomed us in the library and museum. The kids went to the candle factory afterwards. They also had the opportunity to see how wax candles are made. Each child received a candle, which was later lit in the monastery.

After that we visited the monastery Church. They prayed together, and sang the hymn of the Resurrection of Christ. We had enough time to kiss relics, icons, buy a cross, rosary, or some souvenir and pray to the Lord in peace and light candles.

Then a lovely gathering on the estate followed - a picnic. Children enjoyed the fresh air in volleyball and various other activities.

On the return to London, the host, Father Angelarius gave us an icon of the Holy Transfiguration, and every child received an icon as a gift as a blessing and memory of a beautiful day and socializing.

We especially thank our Serbian language teacher, Srdjan Minic and his family for financing and providing a bus for our excursion and to all our guides, teachers and parents for every kind of help.


SC London Serbs Go 3 -0


Akathist to the Venerable Mother Paraskeva