Sloga is Building a House


It is with great joy and pride that we convey the news that our sisters from the circle of Serbian sisters at our holy temple have once again shown an example of unity. The hardworking sisters prepared sweet and savory treats and sold food on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th November at Cherryhill Village Mall.

With a smile, a kind word, and widely recognizable traditional Serbian hospitality, they presented our community in the best possible way. We would like to thank our dear sister Bonnie Webb, who made it possible for us to return to the Mall after several years and sell our food. Then we would like to thank sister Vera Aćimović, who selflessly shares her master's knowledge with us and who, with her personal authority, organized the sisters for the sale and participated in the preparation of the best sarma in the world, which was sold in record time. Thank you to all the sisters who took their time and participated in the sale of food, and no less credit and gratitude to those sisters who prepared food at home and brought it to the mall for sale.

Many thanks to everyone for the successful joint work.

God bless you all.


Akathist to the Venerable Mother Paraskeva


Celebrating The Glory of Baptism